Area 6f: All the Comments Fit to Print

Area 6f High Rise
Detail from the Parkvale Village VOC submission to the TPB


All Area 6f submissions have now been uploaded!

A total of 2,256 comments were submitted for the proposed Area 6f development behind Parkvale Village, while a total of 2,148 were submitted for Area 10b, the Service Area at Peninsula Village.

According to the Hong Kong Economic Times, 70% of the respondents approve of the new developments at Areas 6f and 10b, while only 30% oppose. Continue reading Area 6f: All the Comments Fit to Print

Town Hall Meeting on Areas 6f and 10b

Our District Councillor, Ms. Amy Yung, organised a Town Hall Meeting on on 3 April to discuss the proposals to amend the Discovery Bay Outline Zoning Plan submitted by Hong Kong Resort Company Limited. Below are links to relevant documents presented at the meeting.


Presentation by Andrew Burns

Letter to COC from Jeremy Marriott, HKR, on 10 July, 1995

COC Meeting Minutes, 17 July, 1995

The following are the supporting documents to show that the brick roadway in front of the Woods at Parkvale Village is private to the owners and tenants of Parkvale Village. HKR has no right under the Deed of Mutual Covenant and Sub-Deed of Mutual Covenant for Parkvale Village to open this brick roadway for use by future residents of Area 6f.

Extracts from Parkvale Village Sub-DMC

Legal Advice on Major Roads and Passageways from JSM