Discovery Bay is a unique resort-style residential development on the north-east coast of Lantau Island, Hong Kong. It is the brainchild of Hong Kong Resort Company Limited (HKR) and its legendary founder, Cha Chi Ming (1914-2007).
That is both the beauty and the downfall of Discovery Bay. With a single developer, a unique vision could be implemented. With a single developer, one vision and one way prevails.
Unfortunately, the foundations of Discovery Bay have been forgotten over time, providing HKR an opportunity to re-write history and change the course of development. The aim of this website is to dig out the forgotten documents and explore their meaning, for all who may be interested.
To begin, I have uploaded all the master plans from 5.0 through to the latest draft, 7.0E. The current master plan is 6.0E1, dated 28 February, 2000. All subsequent plans are drafts.
The master plans have a unique role in the development of DB. Under the land grant, there is no limit to development on the Lot. Development is controlled through the master plan; development is limited through the share regime described in the Discovery Bay Deed of Mutual Covenant.
Over time, I will upload more documents and more commentary. Hopefully, it will all start to make sense — eventually
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