Dangerous game

The existing zoning for Area 10b includes an LPG store/dangerous goods store. The HKR proposal will remove this zoning.

Serious concerns were raised about the deletion of the LPG store/dangerous goods store in the previous round of public comments on the new development proposals. However, HKR did not respond to the comments and has given no information on the location of replacement facilities.

This omission is particularly glaring given that the new developments will greatly expand the need to transport, handle and store dangerous goods. This is due to the fact that the government has refused permission for HKR to connect Areas 6f and 10b to government water and sewage services.

As a result, a new potable water treatment facility and one or more sewage treatment plants will be required on the lot. These facilities will need to use dangerous chemicals as part of their normal operations.

As any area used for storage of LPG/dangerous goods must have the appropriate zoning, the TPB must ensure that HKR designates and obtains zoning approval for a new LPG store/dangerous goods store before approving the deletion of the existing facility.

Marine re-fueling

The existing marine refueling facilities will also be removed from Area 10b under the HKR development proposal. Again, no information whatsoever is provided on re-fueling options for marine vessels in DB, including ferries and Marina Club vessels, once the existing facilities are removed.

Furthermore, there is no analysis of the impact of the removal of the marine refueling facilities on the commercial viability of the re-provisioned petrol filling station at Area 10b.

At present, the fuel supply operator serves both road and marine traffic. With the removal of the marine refueling facilities, it is unclear whether there is sufficient demand to justify the provision of a petrol filling station within DB.

The TPB should require that HKR provide a comprehensive analysis to demonstrate that removal of the marine refueling facilities will not unduly affect current users, nor affect the commercial viability of the re-provisioned petrol filling station.


It is unclear whether the existing LPG system can sustain an increase in population to 29,000 and beyond. HKR has provided no analysis of the capability of the existing LPG supply network, and any upgrades that may be required to sustain an increase in population to 29,000 and beyond.

Security of LPG supply is a fundamental infrastructure need. The current Outline Zoning Plan allows a maximum population of 25,000. Before approving the application, the TPB must require that HKR provide a full study of the operation and capacity of the LPG system to ensure that it can meet all current and future development requirements.

Please feel free to copy some or all of the above when replying to the TPB. Don’t wait until your submission is “complete”. You may make multiple submissions at any time on different topics, up to the 15 July deadline.

Submit New Comments on Area 6f Proposal

Submit New Comments on Area 10b Proposal