Back to the trenches on Area 6f

HKR has submitted a revised application for Area 6f, providing further information on geotechnical issues, the potable water and sewerage plans , and environmental aspects, among others.

Comments are due by 12 May, 2017, and the application is now scheduled to be heard on 23 June, 2017.

The application also reveals the reason that Area 10b has been withdrawn. In the last round of consultation on Area 10b, HKR had proposed to relocate the helipad at Area 10b to the roof of the potable water service reservoir along Discovery Valley Road. However, government departments pointed out that this site is too close to Area 6f. HKR decided to sacrifice 10b at this time in order to enable 6f to proceed.

The latest submission may be downloaded from these links:

Area 6f Round 5 Submission

Area 6f Round 5 Gist

To make new comments to the Town Planning Board on Area 6f, go to Alternatively, you may submit your comments by email to If submitting by email, include the reference “Y/I-DB/2” in the subject line.