Government dId listen

A review of the departmental comments in the document prepared by Planning Department for the meeting of the Rural and New Town Planning Committee on 14 January shows that several departments took on board comments made during the public consultation exercise. Key extracts from the document follow. These all provide fertile ground for follow up with the respective departments at the appropriate time.

Refer to the original document here.

Land Administration

(District Lands Officer/Islands)

Right of Development

The Principal Deed of Mutual Covenant (PDMC) dated 30.9.1982 has notionally divided the Lot into 250,000 undivided shares. The applicant will have to apply to LandsD for approval to amend the Master Plan. In the processing of the application for amendment of the MP, the applicant shall substantiate its right and capacity to develop the Site and demonstrate, amongst others, that the development will not prejudice the provisions in the PDMC and that they have sufficient undivided shares retained by them for allocation to the proposed development.

ExCo’s Endorsement

The Audit Commission in 2004 recommended that the D of Lands should seek ExCo’s endorsement before approving any major changes to the concept of a development if the concept has been approved by ExCo when approving the land grant. Should the Board approve the subject application, the applicant has to apply to LandsD for approval to amend the MP so as to implement the proposed development under the subject rezoning application. Upon receipt of such application, LandsD will process the application according to the established practice and seek endorsement of ExCo if the proposed development will result in a change of the development concept of the Lot. There is however no guarantee that such approval will be given by LandsD.


(Director of Environmental Protection)

The applicant has demonstrated the commitment to include a nitrogen removal system in the proposed STW for the Site.

Drainage and Sewerage

(Chief Engineer/Hong Kong & Islands, Drainage Services Dept.)

It is noted from the revised Environmental Study that emergency overflow pipe from the proposed STW at Area 6f will be connected to existing SPS No. 1 for discharge to Siu Ho Wan STW during emergency situation.

  • The proposed measures, as specified in the revised Environmental Study, shall be implemented properly to avoid overflow during normal condition;
  • The applicant shall exercise due diligence to resume normal operations of STW as soon as possible;
  • The applicant could submit detailed hydraulic calculations to demonstrate that the public sewerage facilities have adequate capacities to handle the additional discharge from the proposed development during emergency situations in the design stage, or otherwise new sewers shall be constructed and maintained by the developer at his own cost to his satisfaction;
  • The developer shall pay for the sewage service charges same as the normal condition.

Water Supply

(Chief Engineer/Construction, WSD)

It is noted that the applicant has revised the water supply proposal for the development such that the private water supply system is exclusively for Area 6f, including water treatment works, service reservoir and water mains, and will be totally separated from the water supply system (include service) conveying WSD water for the rest of Discovery Bay.


(Head of Geotechnical Engineering Office, CEDD)

The proposed development is overlooked by steep natural hillside and meets the Alert Criteria requiring a Natural Terrain Hazard Study. It will also affect or be affected by man-made features. Based on the GPRR submitted by the applicant, it is considered that the information provided is insufficient to demonstrate the geotechnical feasibility of the proposed slope upgrading/modification and natural terrain hazard mitigation works. Further submission is required at the building plan submission stage.