Walk on water

In order to proceed with the development at Area 10b, HKR needs to show that it has permission to reclaim the sea at Nim Shue Wan.

In its initial application to the Town Planning Board, HKR claimed that Gazette Notice 710 of 1976 gave it that right. When multiple submissions pointed out that this was not true, HKR had to back-peddle. It now claims that Plan 11317 dated 21 Feb, 1978, gives it the required authority.

Click on Notice to Enlarge

P11317 was gazetted on 10 March, 1978. As may be seen from the notice, reproduced here, the plan was gazetted for the purpose of providing a ferry pier and a submarine outfall, not for the purpose of reclamation at Nim Shue Wan.

In further support of its contention that the reclamation has already been gazetted, HKR has provided a plan showing the extent of the “approved” reclamation at Figure 2-2 from the revised Environmental Impact Assessment.

Yet this plan states that the reclamation was gazetted in 1977, not in 1976 or in 1978.

It is very difficult to take HKR’s claims on faith, when the company does not provide a consistent story about when the required notice was gazetted. If indeed P11317 gives HKR the right to reclaim the seabed at Nim Shue Wan up to the boundary shown in New Grant 6788, HKR should produce P11317 and any relevant supporting documentation.

Please feel free to copy some or all of the above when replying to the TPB. Don’t wait until your submission is “complete”. You may make multiple submissions at any time on different topics, up to the 15 July deadline.

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