Following HKR’s success in appealing the Town Planning Board’s decision to reject the development proposal for Area 6f, the TPB invited HKR to resubmit its application. A new public consultation round was held from November 12 to December 3 2021, and the application is due to be heard by the TPB on January 14 2022.
Download the Latest Gist and the meeting Agenda. Also refer to the further information received on 24 December 2021.
A total of 2389 comments were received in the new consultation round, more than in any other round. The vast majority of comments came in a single bundle of 1838 responses, all hand-delivered to the offices of the TPB on 3 December 2021. They run from #6713 to #8550. A simple glance at these 1838 responses will show that they are copied from a prepared set of responses in favour of the application.
Comments that are worth reading in full include #6488 and #6499.